Roel V.

Roel Vermeulen

Prof. Roel Vermeulen is a Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Utrecht University and at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands.  

He is the co-chair of the Personalized Health and Medicine Program of Utrecht Life Sciences at Utrecht University and co-coordinates the preventive health program of the alliance between the Universities of Wageningen, Eindhoven and Utrecht and the academic Medical Center Utrecht. He previously held positions at the National Cancer Institute, USA.  

Prof Vermeulen’s scientific research focuses on environmental risk factors for cancer, cardiometabolic and neurological diseases through inter and trans-disciplinary research. One of the current research areas is the exploration of new methods for quantifying the external and internal exposome.  

He coordinates the Dutch research program on the exposome (Exposome-NL), leads an EU project (EXPANSE) as part of the European Human Exposome Network and coordinates the Dutch Hub of the European infrastructure on Exposome research (EIRENE-NL). He is the PI of several large case-control and prospective (biobank) studies in occupational and the general population. Prof. Roel Vermeulen has served on many international committees including the WHO and the National Toxicology Program in the US. He is a member of the Dutch Health Council and has authored/co-authored over 700 publications.