Daniel Schmidtmann

Daniel Schmidtmann

Daniel Schmidtmann (male), M.A., holds a B.A. in Political Science and Public Law and a M.A. in American Studies. His academic focus was on polarization and electoral behaviour in the U.S. He joined empirica in 2017 and has since worked as a research consultant on EC funded projects focusing on digital health, research & innovation, digital and ICT skills training and policies. His work includes market analysis, stakehoder consultation, socio-economic impact assessment, and policy analysis. He contributed to numerous EU projects and is a co-author of the study #SmartHealthSystems, a comparative study across 17 countries of the digitalization of health systems. He authored the final reports of the diversITy project on effective e-skills and ICT training programmes supporting access to the labour market for diverse populations which empirica carried out for J.P. Morgan. In addition to being empirica’s communication manager, he is leading the dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability work in multiple Horizon Europe and IMI projects.