Fabien J

Fabien Jourdan 

Fabien Jourdan holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Montpellier. He is INRAE research director (DR) in the research laboratory TOXALIM, Toulouse (France). He is co-leading a team of 25 scientists (Team MeX “Metabolism and Xenobiotics”) working on the metabolic impact of food contaminants on Human health. His main expertise is the development of computational solutions to model metabolism at the cellular or tissue level. Since 2009, he has coordinated the development of the MetExplore web server which is used by more than 1000 users worldwide to study omics data in the context of metabolic networks. Since 2021, he is director of French national infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics MetaboHUB. Former president of French-Speaking Metabolomics and Fluxomics Network (RFMF) he is currently international Metabolomics Society secretary.