Foundation for Innovation in Cardiometabolism and Nutrition


The Foundation for Innovation in Cardiometabolism and Nutrition (IHU ICAN) is one of Europe’s leading institutes in cardiovascular, metabolic, and nutritional diseases, bringing together teams of fundamental and clinical researchers. Created in 2011, ICAN is located at the heart of the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital and draws on the expertise of its founding members: Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and Sorbonne University (SU) to carry out its mission. The ICAN has structured cutting-edge platforms for translational research, particularly for imaging cardiometabolic tissues and integrating clinical and multi-omics data. 

Our mission is to accelerate the translation of preclinical and clinical discoveries directly to the care of patients suffering from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In 2019, ICAN supported the establishment of the AP-HP NASH clinic, which resembles an interdisciplinary medical team offering optimized diagnosis and management of the fatty liver disease.  

Role in the project

IHU ICAN will be involved in the WP4 by recruiting new patients in the cohort using the same pre-defined selection criteria applied for the current members of the European NAFLD Registry cohort.

IHU ICAN will be involved for the longitudinally follow-up patients at routine annual visits and will be also involved in WP7 to engage with public authorities, researchers, employers, and citizens, and to communicate and disseminate the project results.

Principal investigators

Prof. Vlad Ratziu
Vlad Ratziu